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U7.L6 Underground Railroad

#1 - Pathways to Freedom Interactive:


#2 - Video about Harriet Tubman (answer questions in packet after):


#3 - Use the text below to complete the guided notes in your packet


Southerners and slavery supporters were furious about a system designed to help slaves escape. They believed anyone involved in the Underground Railroad was a criminal. Thousands of people were employed as “slave catchers” that were paid large rewards for catching fugitive slaves.


African-Americans involved in the Underground Railroad risked their lives every moment they were on Southern soil, even if they were a free person in the North. White abolitionists who operated stations along the Underground Railroad risked going to jail and being bankrupted by legal fines.


#4 - Complete your exit ticket on Jupiter
#5 - If you hve extra time learn about Harriet Tubman being on the $20!
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